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Thursday, April 21, 2011


Panda Comel
Harhar~~~ tah pape punya tajuk. Nape panda?? nape kung fu panda? nape kah panda ini berunsur pink? h0h0~ coz rase suke sukee je n entry ni juz for fun.tiba2 tringt po gumuk lg comel ini pabila melihat kt cermin yg mata aku skrg ni da rupa Po nih da..huhu..hectic life bila mlm n siang da tunggang tbalik. Anyway, i really love to watch kung fu panda.seriusly, tgk laa bape kali pn kt astro stil akn gelak guling2 sorg2 n xkn bg org len tkar cenel..heee~~ cant wait to watch kung fu panda II plak again and again.hee---<@  =~.~v

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

~Semerah Cinta Stilleto~

~~Terciptanya kita terciptalah rasa
Tercipta cinta, tercipta rindu
Tercipta episod penuh berwarna antara kau dan aku......

Terasa segalanya sempurna tanpa cela
Lihat dari hati bukannya diri
Bagai puteri menanti putera kasih antara kita
Walau dipukul kuat ombak cinta
Melayang jauh jauh seketika
Kembali kerna percayakan kita
Terasa bagai dongeng kisah asmara
Berputik kita kerna rasa
Kasih yang tercipta antara kita

Terciptanya kita terciptanya rasa
Tercipta cinta, tercipta rindu
Terasa semuanya sementara sumpahan antara kita
Walau dipukul kuat ombak cinta
Melayang jauh seketika
Kembali kerna percayakan kita
Terasa bagai dongeng kisah asmara
Berputik kita kerna rasa
Kasih yang tercipta...~

Juz watched diz movie for 2nd time (tgk kt wyg 1st time last year ke last 2 yaers tah.huhu.), cite nih da lame da, tp nk je gak tulis.hehe~~This soundtrack  sounds very sweet and the lyrics are so beautiful. =)(juz realized?). Movie ni best n sweet, coz de humor n dialog yg sgt slumber badak. Moral of the story, jgn lupakan ibu bapa walau cinta trhadap seseorg tu sgt mendalam. If parents xrestu, kne back off dulu. Cari jalan utk bjaya then cr laa restu ibu bapa dulu,barulaa kte jumpe kbahagian (hipotesis sndiri)... Kisah cnta 2 darjat gak laa..psal siti laila a.k.a Stilla, n sariman toyol (xsure nama die ape) a.k.a leto. They met together,accidentally. Leto keje kt psar, die tnmpak Stila and jtuh cinta laa knon2nye 1st sight love.. They met again,kt bustop, stila lari dari bf mangkuk die n tpksa tnggu bus. Then, yani(cat farish),kwn Leto nk kco2 stila. Mula2 stila diam je. Tbe2 die nek mrah and nk menyerang(tendang) yani but yani guna leto sbg penghadang the story begin bila stila tendang guna stilleto merah mak die, kne bntot leto. Leto pn da jd mcm org kne buasir da rupe, tpksa dduk blapikkan pelampung je..Stila mrah bile dpt tau parents die bmasalh n mula lari then btemu lg dgn leto.. They get along together, leto mngajar stila yang sumtime sumhow ketidaksempurnaan itulaa kbahagian sbnarnye, coz slalunya mnusia ni xpnah puas.. Parents stila xsuka dorg bkwn especially daddy stila. stila ttap degil n nk jmpe leto gak coz brada dgn leto n fmily, wt stila rse bhagia.. Leto plak xske keadaan jd mcm tu, coz die xnk stila mmbntah ckp parents stila.so, leto back off n tlg parents stila dgn mngembalikan stila kpd dorg n xkco stila lg da.(actualy,evrytime stila yg g cr leto). As time passed by, leto bjaya bkak kdai repair ksut, then stila pn blik dr oversea mybe... dorg jmpe kt kdai tu then ending die agk2 sndiri..like typical fairy love tale story, They live hepily ever after...Cite ni sweet n yg pnting dialog pnuh humor n light, wt org relax n gelak2 je mse tgk cte ni=D

P.S I LoVe You!!!!

Basically, I juz dunno what I want to write in my blog, but suddenly I feel like its a good thing to share things I like in here. So,here come, P.S I Love You!! =D A wonderful story about the one and only love in a woman's life name Holly. Novel ni sgtlah best coz within a novel, ada sedih, ada hepy, ada bhagia, ada setia. Baru baca beberapa chapter je da bley nangis. Actually i already red this novel long time ago, tp tah laa, suddenly rse nak share.They are not a perfect couple but their love story juz perfect.so, layan...


A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel...Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 'PS, I Love You'. As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing -- and being braver than ever before. Life is for living, she realises -- but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.

What i want to share ;)

Gerry and Holly met while they were still in high school. Holly really2 admired Gerry and they became sweethearts. They get married at 19 years old.

9 Years later;

They still married. Holly still not hepy with her job and slalu emo. Gerry always there to comfort her even sumtimes he asked her quit her job whenever shes not hepy with it. At the age of 28, Gerry was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died months later. Holly lost her direction, lost her soul. For about two months she became a clueless person.Holly hilang semangat utk mneruskan hdup coz Gerry was the one who always told her what to do. No one knows Holly like Gerry do!

The story begin, when Holly get a parcel with a word List above it. There are 10 letters each containing some instruction on what to do nowthat he is gone. She is only allowed to read one letter a month and each one comes with instructions about what to do now that he is gone. These are things she wouldn't have done if he were still alive, but because they are from him she abides by his wishes. All the while she realizes that even though he is gone he is still with her in spirit and she must go on with her life.

Holly hates karaoke very much but Gerry intructions told Holly to karaoke again on her 30th bday, not only an ordinary one, its a CONTEST! Holly cried out in the pub toilet and dont want to go out n sing, but finally she made it. Gerry intention to make Holly brave to try sumthing adventurous in her life.

Holly met Daniel Connolly at the pub, and he's the pub owner. Daniel was cheated by his fiance and really wants to be with Holly, but Holly cant even forget Gerry. Holly thougt that she can fall in love with Daniel as time goes by but each time she tried, she felt terible.  She live with Gerry's spirit and love, and for Holly, there is only love in her life and in her heart which is Gerry and cant even fall in love with any other guy. Daniel was really upset because he lost with juz papers, Gerry's List!

Finally, Holly and Daniel realized that both of them cant forget their first love. In Gerry last letter, Gerry asked Holly to find a new love but Holly refused to follow his last intruction. but anyhow, Holly alredy move on with her life. She found a job that she love, family who always be with her.. Terlalu byk touching plot yg nk di share, tp xlarat nk taip pjg2 ak.a mlas gak..hehe~ pape pun, cite ni bkn laa cite perfect fairy tale yg everyone is perfect tu.. Gerry and Holly, slalu je bgaduh, bertekak, they lived in a small apartment, no children, xda job yg bgus pn.. but their nature imperfect complete their love.. This story gave me thought that, in a relationship, sumtimes bgaduh tu xsmestinya xkan bhagia.. sumtime, bila gduh2 mnja (bkn perang dunia ke3 pnye gduh..huhuh) tuh  yg bagi sweet and sour, perfect flavour. Hehe~~

Finally, Holly xbcinta dgn sape2 pun..but she managed to movec on with her life.. Sumtimes, ade pmpuan mmg sgt susah utk melupakan cinta ati dorg..huhu..Novel and filem agak berbeza.. Rasenye, novel lg touching kot.. The same thing for me either dlm novel @ filem, part bila Holly menangis sorg2 dlm umah,melalak2 sorg2, pkai baju Gerry yg xbsuh still de bau Gerry dgn rmbut n diri yg serabai, sgt sedey..=(  Holly xdpt mnerima hakikat yg Gerry da xda dlm life die.. Then surat2 Gerry smpai, bgtau Holly what to each time. Gerry tau yg Holly xkan dpt stand on her own feet after years they hv been toghether and never apart.. Gerry pulihkan smgt Holly utk bdepan dgn kehidupan die sndiri..Each letters end up dgn, P.S I Love You..

p/s: like in the synopsis, everyone hv their own guardian angel. I also hv mine ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


-11.1.11- a LoVely day, not much different from yesterday,life juz go on as usual. but, only once in a lifetime we have the opportunity to see this 'date'..therefore, enjoy it! ^.^v

Monday, January 10, 2011

Flavour of Life

Nature in Life -beauty,purity,mysterious

Life juz like a center stage,
become spices n desert,
sad n sorrow u suffer now,
doesn’t mean 4ver,
happy n win u cherish now,
also doesn’t mean 4ever,
everythin n evrybody,
can come,n can go,
life must go on,
no matter how hard to move on,
no matter how how hard to let thing go,
accept ur fate n destiny,
everything bhind a silver screen,
thus u’ll smile evry single moment,
along ur journey...